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Stay in the Game! Room Grand Opening

SITG! Room Grand Opening | Stay in The Game!

On Tuesday, December 3rd, The Browns Stay in the Game! Attendance Network (SITG!) hosted a ribbon cutting celebration for the grand opening of two newly designed student rooms at Memorial Junior High School, supported by the Arby’s Foundation.

The first room, functioning as a student lounge room and incentive for students with favorable attendance, will provide an area for students to enjoy crafts, games and lounging. The second room will serve as a calming sensory room to provide students with an area to de-escalate and eventually go back to class.

Following the ribbon cutting, 20 students with improved attendance, were invited to enjoy the rooms and its amenities including games, puzzles, crafts and a few games of Madden on their new PlayStation5 versus Browns linebacker, Elerson Smith.

This is the sixth SITG! room installed at a school in Northeast Ohio and the first ever calming room. SITG! aims to engage students and cultivate a fun learning environment to ultimately encourage regular attendance and eliminate chronic absenteeism in schools across Northeast Ohio.


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